Thanks for stopping by! Currently in the process of overhauling and reorganizing the blog, apologies for the mess.

Copy of Dermarolling

Disclosure: This is my own personal experience with Dermarolling and using a Dermapen and is in no way a message to people to go ahead and jump into dermarolling or using a dermapen without first educating yourself or being trained in how to use a Dermapen.*This Post is only about Microneedling. If you’re interested in Nano-needling, check out this post here. What You’ll Need• Derma Roller/ Microneedling Pen• Pure HA with no additional ingredients• Sanitized One-Time use Gloves• Rubbing Alcohol (70%) • Hand Sanitizer Wipes• Aquaphor for Aftercare• A sterile surfaceAreas of Applicatio...

2.15% Baby!

WHAT THE FI’m actually really surprised because I didn’t even think that many people read my blog to begin with. To be honest it started out as more of a personal journal when I first started using AmebaOwnd almost two years ago.The content has probably changed a bit since then as I started writing reviews and how-to’s. the AmebaOwnd English Guide, and doing data highlighting in Google Console, but still like I didn’t expect anybody actually reads anything. Probably as well in part because there’s not a functional comments platform like being able to comment through Facebook or Twitter without...

Get Your Businesses Job Listings on Google Using Schema Pro

THE BENEFITS OF SCHEMA MARKUPSo I’ve talked before about the benefit of creating and implementing structured data in the past and how it benefits you in Google Search Results. Today we’re going to cover doing that if your running Wordpress, using the Schema Pro plugin. But really the data that you enter will be the same irregardless of the plugin. It’s a pretty simple process if your using a plug-in to do your Schema Markup as opposed to manually creating the JSON-LD data.

How to report another AmebaOwnd Website

So for whatever reasons, you may want to report another website that’s run on AmebaOwnd, whether that be for like, porno, spam, anything else outlined in the terms of service for AmebaOwnd so this post will teach you how to do so. Actually seeing blogs that are purely spam like, linking to torrents for movies and then endless spammy links are quite common on AmebaOwnd. I don’t believe really in like ratting on other blogs or people per se, but I do believe in creating a community of real people and websites and not just spam or ads everywhere, no one wants to see that so really by reporti...

AmebaOwnd adds SSL to Custom Domains

Starting today users are able to have their custom domain names served over SSL. This is an improvement over the situation prior which was that you’d have to either go with a sub domain from AmebaOwnd to retain SSL, or go without on your own custom domain and use a third-party service like Cloudflare. The original announcement you can find in Japanese here, or view the instruction article below in Japanese which I’ll translate and add to the AmebaOwnd English Guide I’ve been doing up over the past couple weeks.Excited to see this development from AmebaOwnd and hope to see lots more in the...

Google Starts Mobile-First Indexing

Quick SummaryMobile-First indexing means that Google is going to be judging the mobile versions of your website first for indexing and for rankings. More and more users are using mobile devices for their searches. Google, being a search engine aims to provide those users with results that are clean, quick and mobile-friendly results.Jesus. With all the changes happening in SEO on a constant basis no wonder I’m lazy as f lately. I’ve taken a break from some of our Wordpress installs on Kinsta for a week or so and letting someone else handle that so I can have a rest and not just not do Wordpres...