So I’ve talked before about the benefit of creating and implementing structured data in the past and how it benefits you in Google Search Results. Today we’re going to cover doing that if your running Wordpress, using the Schema Pro plugin. But really the data that you enter will be the same irregardless of the plugin. It’s a pretty simple process if your using a plug-in to do your Schema Markup as opposed to manually creating the JSON-LD data.
The above search result in Google is returned when googling Straight Edge Barbers Job Posting or Barber Jobs in St.John’s Newfoundland, NL, or a similar query like this and helps someone find your job listing faster then regular results.
So the plugin I’m using for Wordpress currently is Schema Pro. I’ve used Schema App in the past, and although theoretically it’s an awesome choice and not as limited this or other plugins, one argueably can say that the structured data you create with Schema App beyond the Google identified types isn’t really going to immediately benefit your businesses website.
You can get really crazy and create all sorts of Schema markup with Schema app but I found the whole process of customer support, and entering data on their website to take way too long and actually deter me from doing Schema Markup so I cancelled the subscription, which actually costed more then my hosting subscription with Kinsta, which is amazing hosting by the way- so I just think the whole Schema App gig isn’t really worth it, you can read more about my thoughts on Schema App in my original post here.
So I find it really helpful to always refer to the Google outlines for the associated Schema Markup, as your really implementing this markup for Google Search results, although obviously you will reap the benefit across multiple search engines as more and more search engines are implementing JSON-LD markup for results.
You may also find it helpful to actually reference the actual examples and guidelines created by, but since we are doing this up for Google and Google has its own set of guidelines, I find it helpful to reference both when creating the markup. Schema Pro also has a set of guidelines to help you when filling out forms to create your Schema Markup.
So let’s dive in and I’ll just show you how I used the plugin to create the Schema Markup for the shop, as well we’ll take a look at the actual source code to see exactly what markup the plugin creates, and how to verify your code doesn’t have any errors using Googles Structured Data Testing Tool.
This guide assumes you’ve already created the actual job listing page on your Wordpress, make sure that the actual information your going to enter as Schema Data is actually present on the job listing page.
Go to Settings in Wordpress and select Schema Pro. In This window select add new to add new Schema Markup.
Select the type of Schema that you’re going to add to the associated page from the selection of Schema that the plugin helps you to create. In this case obviously we’re going to select job posting.
Then we’re going to select the posts or pages that we want to attach the Schema data too. So just go ahead and select your job posting page by selecting Specific Pages/Posts/Archives and then selecting your job post, that may be a page or a post depending on what layout your going with or the organization of your page.
Once you’ve selected the page and hit next we’ll then be able to go in and start entering that Schema markup for the page or post you’ve selected.
So let’s look at the required fields for Job Posting starting with the minimum required fields. Some of them are self explanatory obviously.
The title of the job position
Organization Name
The name of your business since your posting this job lol
The description should be a complete representation of the job, including job responsibilities, qualifications, skills, working hours, education requirements, and experience requirements. The description can't be the same as the title.
Date Posted
Today’s date assuming it’s going live today.
Street Address
No brainer.
A lot of people get locality and region mixed up actually. Or maybe they don’t. I didn’t get the difference lol. Locality is the city tho. So in this case St.John’s.
For region use the state or the province if you’re Canadian like me haha.
No brainer.
Canadian born , Asia grown. Kesen is a personal blog with a focus on Asia Pacific, SEO, Wordpress & self-composed music. KPU Asian Studies.