So today we’re going to look at another feature of AmebaOwnd which is adding multiple users to your website. Basically similar to Wordpress you can invite other users to also manage your website, and create, delete posts, things like this depending on what role you’ve set for them.
So let’s take a look at how you do this and the roles that AmebaOwnd lets you set.
So on Desktop, or while using a similar app like Browser or Puffin, click the settings wheel, and then you wanna select 編集メンバーの管理 or User Management.
You’ll then see two tabs on top of the member list, we’re just assuming right now you’ve only got one lol.
This is your Member List of users who currently have access and varying privileges depending on their role to your website.
You’ll see the following information for members in this list:
メンバー 役割 最終アセス
Member Role Last Access
This is your invitation history of who you’ve sent invites to, and the associated link should show as well.
User Roles
So now let’s take a look at the roles you can set for users when you invite them and exactly what roles give what priveleges for the website.
Sending a User Invite
Upon pressing that button you’ll see the pop up window “新しいメンバーを招待” or Invite New Member/Members.
AmebaOwnd will create a URL for the amount of users you specify for them to confirm access roles to their accounts, the first step is to choose the amount of users you want to invite.
The created URL is only valid for 24 hours, after which point if the users you’ve invited have not confirmed, you’ll have to re-issue the invitations. Also, once the amount of invitations that you’ve issued have successfully been confirmed the created URL will also be invalidated at that point.
Deleting Users
Maybe someone wrote a shit post. Maybe we just don’t like them anymore, we don’t want em having any power lol: Wants Em GONE.
So how do we delete users from our Website on AmebaOwnd?
Canadian born , Asia grown. Kesen is a personal blog with a focus on Asia Pacific, SEO, Wordpress & self-composed music. KPU Asian Studies.