Import, yes, export, no. This isn’t a solid no by the way, there are plenty of other ways to export posts by different methods other then options that are built in using Amebaownd, I’m not going to cover those today but maybe in a future post. You also should be familiar with what exactly “Moveable Type” is, although to be honest I don’t know how many people use this format outside of Asia, but I know that it’s still fairly common in JP with the most current update just having been in July of this year.
Step One
Choose ブログのインポート from the left menu
You’re going to want to select Blog Importer (ブログのインポート) from the left menu on Desktop. You can’t do this with the mobile app.
Step Two
Make sure your importing the correct format
・ファイルの形式はMT(Movable Type)形式、WXR(WordPress)形式に対応しています。
These are the instructions underneath the blog importer on desktop which I will quickly translate and sum up.
• File format is MT (Moveable Type), Wordpress’s WXR format is also supported
• While your importing, you cannot select a new file
• Duplicate content won’t be imported
• Category/Tags will be imported during the import process as well
• Please refer to the non-helpful help guide since if your reading this translation you prob can’t read JP lol.
Step Three
Import the Moveable Type file
So you’ll see two buttons in the Blog Importer of Ameba, Select A File (ファイルを選択) and Import (インポートする.)
Canadian born , Asia grown. Kesen is a personal blog with a focus on Asia Pacific, SEO, Wordpress & self-composed music. KPU Asian Studies.